India's population is growing rapidly. To accommodate the 300 Million People that will join India's workforce between 2010-2040. India needs to create roughly 10 Million Jobs a year.
India needs reforms on Education, Health, Economy, Culture; Trade and Commerce; Industrial Developments and like Employment Sectors. Failure to do so would end up in a Flogging Economy.
Hence the Trust gives due importance to Education, Natural wealth and Social Developments in all sorts of life. In sort the Trust gives/shows/mentions the importance of our NEEDS.
GNA aims Long Term Professional Skill & Association Highly Qualified & Experienced Resource for each fields. The Trust handle to help the following important services
★ To Education.
★ Social and Public Contributions.
★ Struggle - Press and Government.
★ Economic Developments.
★ In bonded conditions under contractors and No Incentives for Union Activities. Affected Seasonal Workers.
★ Job Security and No Organisational Strength - Being small in number and dispersed.
★ Support less Traditional and Hereditary Occupations.
Not protected by Any Legislation or Factories or Minimum Wages.
★ Against the Unjust or Illegal & Immoral Activities.
★ Recommend, Request, Appeal - the implementation of Government (Both Central and State) Welfare Measures.
★Social Welfare is the major objective of all governmental activities of Modern Democratic State. GNA aims at voicing social disequilibrium between individuals, classes or groups.
★To promote the Education, Economically weaker sectors of the people and in particular Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Backward Classes and to protect them from social injustice and all forms of exploitation. The GNA aims at fulfilling these cherished ideals. Economic, Social Aspects - the development programs of our activities are closely inter-connected.
★GNA is intended to elaborate the social aspects. The programme envisaged to cover Welfare of Backward Classes including Scheduled Castes and Tribes, Women's Welfare, Child Welfare, Labour Welfare, Welfare of the physically handicapped and National Defenders etc. GNA is to raise the social and economic status of Scheduled Castes, Tribes and Backward Classes to the level of the rest of the community. It proposed under the head 'Social Welfare' aims at directly helping the vulnerable sections of society. But apart from these special measures, economically and socially backward classes will also benefit to a large extent from the different sectoral programmes.
★Economic progress in not an end in itself, but it is only a means to achieve social transformation for the welfare of the people. GNA has been making sizable investment on human development with the aim of ensuring that the fruits of development reach all sectors of the society, particularly those who mostly bounded conditions under contractors; Seasonal Workers, and not protected by any Legislation or Factories or Minimum Wages Workers.
★Regarding the Social Changes and Developments---GNA drive marks and to create Awareness among the people to be mercy or kind enough for their day to day life activities. GNA urged the State and Central Governments--due importance to Thirunangaigal. Our voice should recognize the Thirunangaigal as third sex (Male, Female, and Thirunangai "Transgender") and provide reservation for them in jobs. Our voice also request and an appeal to the government for their good and benefits particularly for Government Hospitals, Provision of Free House sites, Old Age Pension, etc., equal to all sex.
Though there are so many welfare measures by both Central and State Government - for the development of the working class people. And some other certain kinds of people are still sufferings in their day to day life activities. They are under:
A. PROMOTE Traditional and Hereditary Occupations
GNA has hand to promote the Traditional and Hereditary Workers. In order to promote their Ancient Skill to the Modern Skills and Tools, Technology, Marketing and Financial support would be extended to Artisans and those pursuing Traditional Occupations to raise their income levels and provide employment in the rural areas. Modernizing was necessary for Goldsmiths, Carpenters and Weavers.
Prime Minister Vishwakarma Yojana
Wood Based:
Iron/Metal Based/Stone Based:
Gold/Silver Based:
Clay Based:
Leather Based:
GNA has also further extended to the development of traditional Workers - depended upon their day-today Workers.
★Hair Dressing
★Washer-Man and Laundries
★Footwear (Stretching by Animal Skins/Leather)
★Pot Makers (Sand & Mud)
★Iron Smith-(Agricultural Iron Spare Parts)
★Toddy Tappers-(in Tamil they are known as SANAARS)
★Forest Products Collection - Tribals
B. Job Security and No Organizational Strength
★Appalam and Bedi Makers- being small in number and dispersed.
★Cashew Makers
★Dying and Bleaching Workers
★Gas Cylinders distributors
★Gold and Silver Workers
★Load man- Though at times unorganized, mostly in the grip of contractors.
★Wood Cutters
C. Seasonal Workers
★Rice Mills and other Grain Mills
★Employment mostly according to agricultural seasons.
★Salt Pan Workers - According to climate i.e. Weather, Rainfall, Humidity.
★Fisher Folk- according to Natural Calamities, Cyclones, Earthquake, Rainfall, Cold Climate.
★Copra Workers and Areca nut Workers - Even during heavy seasons, Workers available only 15-17 days in a month (summer periods).
D. Bonded Labors under contractors - No Incentives for Union Activities
★ Dying and Bleaching Workers
★ Bricks and Tiles Makers
★ Cashew Workers
★ Copra Workers
★ Footwear Producers
★ Match Box(FireWorkers)
★ Press Workers
★ Gem Cutting - Workers
★ Vessels Makers
E. Not Protected by any Legislation or Factories or Minimum wages Act- Workers
★ Shamiana and Embroidery Workers
★ Tin Box Makers
★ Bullock, Horse, Camel etc.,- Cart Drivers
★ Cycle Rickshaw Drivers
★ Roadside shops- Workers
★ Dining Table Cleaners
★ Shoe Polish- on Roadside and Entrance of the Office Gates.
Prime Minister - Narendra Modi's passionate "Clean India Mission" commonly known as Swachh Bharat Abhiyam (SBA). The GNA has moved with SBA to receive Founds- for internship training after +2, UG and PG. It is because Students Pitch Directly to India's Most Higher Potential / Resource - for all round Development of our Nation. GNA also to Strengthen the above said Training Candidates for receiving - Certificate issued in the respective field, while will benefits to their further career - Job Opportunity - in the category of Skill Development.
In connection with the job opportunity GNA has to create an Environment, Platform for sharing and to support the knowledge sharing Culture for Social Aspects - Traditional and Ancient Heritage; Economic Developments; Trade and Commerce; and Industries.
GNA also drives to strengthen and sharing skilled and unskilled persons both mentally and physically fit. Hence this Trust also functioned with the help of collective experienced Professionals around the World. This Trust arrive for sharing equal knowledge to all people irrespective or any discrimination.
Though the GNA- our professionals visualize the world as a common home for knowledge sharing and bring up many potential professionals identified globally. With this concept or the idea of sharing, we will be a bridge between various resource persons in India and Abroad. We create job opportunities and awards in various fields by bringing the professions efforts, organizations, academic consultants and institutions together.
In short our ambition is to build a community of Passionate individuals in the Organizations, Industries, Companies and help drive the change in society throw knowledge of sharing.
The Trust have also initiated to conduct all employment opportunities and the knowledge seekers/ organizations.
All Lectures, Guest Lectures, Teachers can store their details/ personal profiles/ Bio-data/ Curriculum vitae- with Qualifications, Experiences, Work skilled in their specific fields, Research and project details which they prepare to take etc., by registering for skill/ expert in their Profession/ Area. For Example in Education- those who are fully Qualified and having Research in their respective study, they can seek/ help from the Trust- For Lectures, Guest Lectures, Associate Professors, Visiting Professors posted by any Educational Institutions up to Universities- both Private, Government and Govt. Aided Organizations. They can also post if they know the vacancy in the respective fields.
So please contact/share our trust to well-known people especially with skilled/research up to Ph.D holders - request them to contact this Trust and also they can use this Trust in an Effective way. The Chairman and the Trust confident that the Trust will be very useful for skilled in their professions both in Private, Government and Govt. Aided Institutions/ Organizations. At present the people from all over India can avail our Trust- GNA.
Further GNA accepting curriculum vitae/ Bio-data of the Guest Lectures/ Visiting Professors and also various Professional skilled persons. Hence the job seekers/ Fresh/ After Retirement/ Skilled efforts can contact in person by phone/ E-mail/ Web site. Such persons kindly request them to send their curriculum vitae with soft copy and latest passport size photo.
If you need any other details please contact the Chairman of the Trust.
From the said factors/ concepts GNA has been setup under the Prime Minister Narendra Modi-Global Developments with primary mandate of enhancing, supporting and co coordinating private sector initiatives. For fulfill it's objectives, GNA is an Instrumental Agency- in supporting Prime Minister Narendra Modi's- MAKE IN INDIA to develop Social and Economic developments- in the Global level and looking the proposals/ projects that are innovative in operating model and can have a Multiplier effect for National Social developments in all fields of life. These achievements can only be solved by developing the technical and the advancement of knowledge in the field of Education at all levels.
An interactive Forum
A panel of discussion on Prime Minister Narendra Modi- Let NDA Govt's- First year in office. Interactive forum which brings together professionals across various societal streams to discuss current affairs. The forum has continuously organized at Trust Office, Attur, Tamilnadu - Monthly Sessions - every second Saturday and Sundays. The discussion/regarding the concept the discussion all deals with Social, Economic and Cultural Development Activities without differentiate of Cast, Color, Sex, Religion, Region and Language. We are the Trust worthy and hundreds of participants particularly all eminent research scholars or skilled persons from all over India. we are to tip the scale that our voice will allow a great cascade of surprises and blessings to rain down upon us, high vibration and frequency.
Hence we request you to visit our website -evaluating Guidelines. The proposals/ projects among other parameters will be evaluated the following guidelines. For Example proposals that target research scholars/ students population with huge needs and focus on large, Research and Quality Training institutions. The detailed evaluation will be done in various fields/ criteria as follows:
1. Alignment with GNA
2. Abilities to Financial Requirements - Education and Training in the fields of Production and Non Production materials. The most outstanding needs in all aspects of life and in particularly Agriculture. Regarding Agriculture, Short-term and Long-term Cultivations; Cash and Commercial Corps; Soil and Water Management; Allied Occupations; Agro Productions and Marketings.
New feature - introduce a Research Group
The Trust - next introduce a Research Group(RG) in the emerging areas of all Arts- History, Economic, Commerce, Tourism management, Agriculture and Industries along with web link of that group with a header- "Search and Share Guide" a few words of introduction about the group- Reader/ Professor will be helpful to explore further about their work. We believe that this type of postings will help our members/ Researchers to choose the right groups to work for their Master's/ Doctoral Degree program or for their post Doctoral work. We welcome your suggestion on this concept.
Human Resource Developments-HRD, Manpower Recruitment Agency.
Those who are setup your Companies, Factories, Industries in India or Abroad, GNA first thank you, Would NEEDS-the Talents in your Business profitably. GNA Recruit right Employees exactly matching your Job Recruitment's from India.
GNA undertake Executive such, Bulk Labour Search, Service personal, Fresher Recruitment Drives and much more. GNA is also Functioning as an Agency and Manpower Consultants in India and such other Indians residing in Foreign countries - NRI.
For Better Administration Management / Leadership Qualities:
About Training - The peace of change in organizations has increased manifold in recent times. Improvement in process, structures, systems are often being attempted with an objective of achieving better efficiency and effectiveness. However, it is known that most change initiatives fail to achieve their desired objectives/ends. One of the reasons for the failure is lack of skills among the managers driving the change. While training the managers or organizations usually consider Leadership development and developing skills for managing change as separate changes. Although the organizations train for Leadership development, training for managing change is not given due importance. Also, most of these training are focused, there has to be able managers at each level with a know - how of Leadership and change management concepts, tools techniques. Hence Leadership develops and change training should ideally go hand-in hand if organization want to be more effective Train and Managers also have better change of carrier advancement as they are more successful than others in handling management tasks and management change.
This training program - GNA will offer insight into theories and application of Leadership and change management with an emphasis as learning knowledge, skills and values. This program intends to be participate with a lot of reflections/assessments into one's own style of leadership and change management, thus, providing opportunity to identify specific Areas and Leaders of improvements.
Further details regarding Job Opportunities & Training programs, please contact GLOBAL NEEDS ACADEMY (GNA) Chairman Dr.Prof.C.Periasami, 9486263221.